Unit 2: Introduction to the computer – Đáp án TACN

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I. Bài tập

2.1 Definition of computer

B. Match these words from the text (1-9) with the correct meanings (a-i).

1 Software

2 peripherals

3 main memory

4 hard drive (also known as hard disk)

5 hardware

6 input

7 ports

8 output

9 central processing unit (CPU)

a the brain of the computer

b physical parts that make up a computer system

c programs which can be used on a particular computer system

d the information which is presented to the computer

e results produced by a computer

f input devices attached to the CPU

g section that holds programs and data while they are executed or processed

h magnetic device used to store information

i sockets into which an external device may be connected

1-c, 2-f, 3-g, 4-h, 5-b, 6-b, 7-i, 8-e, 9-a

2.3. Reading:  Read the extract from an ICT class below and do the tasks

A. Read the above extracts from an ICT class.  Label the pictures (a-e) with words from the box

A. desktop PC

b.Tablet PC




B. Read the extract again and decide these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

  1. A mainframe computer is less powerful than a PC____F____
  2. A mainframe is used by large organizations that need to process enormous amounts of data___T____
  3. The most suitable computers for home use are desktop PCs__T____
  4. A laptop is not portable__F___
  5. Laptops are not as powerful as desktop PCs. ___F___
  6. Using a stylus, you can write directly onto the screen of a tablet PC__T___
  7. A PDA is small enough to fit into the palm of your hand___T____
  8. A PDA does not allow you to surf the Web__F_____

2.4  Language work:  Classifying

Look at the HELP box above and then use suitable classifying expressions to complete these sentences

  1. A computer ___consist of______hardware and software.
  2. Peripherals____can be devide into_____ three types: input, output and storage devices.
  3. A word processing program ___includes_____software which lets the user create and edit text.
  4. There are two types___of network architecture: peer-to-peer, where all computers have the same capabilities, and client-server (e.g. the Internet). where servers store and distribute data, and clients access this data.


Computers and microchips have become (1)…part… of our everyday lives, we visit shops and offices which have been designed with the help of computers, we read magazines which have been produced (2)……on……computers, we pay bills prepared by computers . Just picking up a telephone and dialing a (3)……number…. involves the use of a sophisticated computer system, as does making a flight reservation or bank transaction.

We encounter daily many computers that spring to life  the instant they (4)…are……… switched on (e.g.; calculators, the car’s electronic ignition, the timer in the microwave, or the programmer inside the TV set) , all of which (5)……use………. the chip technology.

What make your computer such a miraculous device ? each time you turn it on, it is tabula rasa that, with appropriate hardware and software , is capable (6)……of…….. doing anything you ask. It is a calculating machine (7)…which…….. speeds up financial calculations.It is filling cabinet(8)………which…… manages large collections of data such as customers ‘lists, accounts, or inventories. It is magical typewriter that allows us to type and print any kind of documents; letters, memos or legal documents. It (9)……is…… a personal communicator that enables you to interact (10)……with…… other computers and with people around the world . If you like gadgets and electronic entertainment, you can even use PC to relax with computer games.

                                                                                                (Source: English for IT & Computer Learners)

II. Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh chuyên ngành Unit 2

1.What is the best definition of ‘router’?
A. a portable computer shaped in the form of a notebook and capable of advanced handwriting recognition via use of a stylus or on-screen keyboard.
B. a specialized computer which connects two networks
C. a computer using a relatively slow and specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player

2. What is the best definition of ’embedded system’?
A. a computer using a relatively slow and specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player
B. a computer designed for use by one person at a time
C. refers to only the most powerful class of computer, typically designed to perform specialized tasks such as weather prediction, governmental financial calculations, or space research.

3. What is the best definition of ‘convergence’?
A. The evolution of devices towards common functionality
B. a physical or software device connecting and facilitating a network with a printer
C. a computer using a relatively slow and specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player

4. What is the best definition of ‘supercomputer’?
A. a physical or software device connecting and facilitating a network with a printer
B. a small laptop with less powerful components meant for surfing the web, reading email, and other basic tasks
C. refers to only the most powerful class of computer, typically designed to perform specialized tasks such as weather prediction, governmental financial calculations, or space research.

5. What is the best definition of ‘PC’ or ‘personal computer’?
A. a physical or software device connecting and facilitating a network with a printer
B. a computer designed for use by one person at a time
C. a computer using a relatively slow and specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player

6. What is the best definition of ‘workstation’?
A. a computer designed for use by one person at a time
B. a high quality computer, typically with lots of RAM, plenty of CPU power, and a high quality video card
C. a portable computer with a built-in screen, integrated keyboard, and battery power; also called a ‘notebook’

7. What is the best definition of ‘tablet PC’?
A. a portable computer shaped in the form of a notebook and capable of advanced handwriting recognition via use of a stylus or on-screen keyboard.
B. a type of computer intended primarily for central distribution of data to other computers on the same network
C. refers to only the most powerful class of computer, typically designed to perform specialized tasks such as weather prediction, governmental financial calculations, or space research.

8. What is the best definition of ‘print server’?
A. a computer designed for use by one person at a time
B. the evolution of devices towards common functionality
C. a physical or software device connecting and facilitating a network with a printer

9. What is the best definition of ‘server’?
A. a computer designed for use by one person at a time
B. a type of computer intended primarily for central distribution of data to other computers on the same network
C. the evolution of devices towards common functionality

10. What is the best definition of ‘PDA’ or ‘personal digital assistant’?
A. a handheld computer about the size of wallet used as an organizer, web browser, game machine, mobile phone, or message recorder; also known as a hand-held computer
B. a type of computer intended primarily for central distribution of data to other computers on the same network
C. refers to only the most powerful class of computer, typically designed to perform specialized tasks such as weather prediction, governmental financial calculations, or space research.

11. What is the best definition of ‘netbook’?
A. a high quality computer, typically with lots of RAM, plenty of CPU power, and a high quality video card
B. a small laptop with less powerful components meant for surfing the web, reading email, and other basic tasks.
C. a computer using a relatively slow and specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player

12. What is the best definition of ‘legacy system’?
A. an older computer system that continues to be used because an organization does not wish to redesign it with a more modern device.
B. a physical or software device connecting and facilitating a network with a printer
C. a computer designed for use by one person at a time

13. What is the main difference between a mainframe and a super computer?
A. Super computer is much larger than mainframe computers
B. Supercomputers are focused to execute few programs as fast as possible while mainframe uses its power to execute as many programs concurrently.
C. Supercomputers are focused to execute as many programs as possible while mainframe uses its power to execute few programs as fast as possible.

14. UNIVAC stands for……………………..
A. Universal Automatic Computer
B. Universal Array Computer
C. Unique Automatic Computer

15. What is the best definition of ‘serial port’?
A. an input device a COM port where only 1 bit of data is transferred at a time
B. the main printed circuit board in a computer that carries the system buses. It is equipped with sockets to which all processors, memory modules, plug-in cards, daughterboard, or peripheral devices are connected; also known as a ‘mainboard’
C. a collection of integrated circuits designed to help the motherboard perform certain tasks such as control components
D. An input device used to transfer images into the computer

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